Location: Zagreb, Hr | Zanimaju li koga informacije i obavijesti o dronovima (mini, mikro, race, FPV, ...) i aktivnostima CIAM-a i FAI-a o njima? Ako da, kada ih dobijem mogu ih proslijediti na forum. Ako nema zainteresiranih, ne bih opterećivao svekoliko i mnogobrojno čitateljstvo. |
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| Naravno.
informacija je uvijek korisna |
| Iako nešto sporadično znamo lijepo bi bilo imati sve na jednom mjestu.Pohvala za inicijativu,Tomica. |
Location: Sisak | naravno da nas zanima samo dajte.. |
Location: Zagreb, Hr | Koliko vidim vode se beskrajne rasprave bez jasnih zaključaka što i kako dalje. Osim toga, hrvatski modeli se primjenjuju na širem području, tako da se osnivaju nove organizacije, savezi, sklapaju dogovori kojih se neki ne drže. Reklo bi se nama sve odavno poznato. Eto jedan kratak prilog. Nijemci su donijeli sažeta pravila, za koja bih rekao - uglavnom zdrav razum uz dodatak njemačke službenosti.
Prošlog vikenda je bio i uz sjednicu CIAM-a i poseban sastanak posvećen dronovima, pa će (nadam se) uskoro i neki zaključci.
Attachments ---------------- Drohnenverordnung.pdf (183KB - 662 downloads)
Location: Zagreb, Hr | CIAM Biro kaže da shvaća situaciju te da se želi prikloniti brzo rastućim aktivnostima vezanim uz natjecanja tj. utrke dronova te je stoga pozvao NAC-ove (National Airsports Control) da se prijave s ponudama za organizaciju prvog svjetskog prvenstva. Više u dopisu u prilogu
Attachments ---------------- FAI_1st_Drone_Wch_.pdf (139KB - 596 downloads)
Location: Zagreb, Hr | 1st FAI International Drones Conference and Expo Predsjednik CIAM-a je poslao poziv koji proslijeđujem, pa ako bude zainteresiranih potražite daljnje informacije. Dear friends, Please find attached the flyer for the 1st FAI International Drones Conference and Expo which will be held as part of the EPFL Drone Days from 1 – 3 September 2017 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Have also a look at the event website for further details: http://www.fai-dronesconference.org/ For registration please follow this link: http://www.fai-dronesconference.org/registration/ We look forward to welcoming you at the event that will promote Innovation, Safety and Sports related to Drones. Kind regards A. P.
Location: Zagreb, Hr | 1st FAI World Drone Racing Championships awarded to Shenzhen
FAI has chosen Shenzhen, China to host the 1st FAI World Drone Racing Championships in the first half of November 2018.
The FAI Executive Board decided to award the event to Shenzhen after a specially appointed committee evaluated the three qualifying bids from Albuquerque (USA), Barcelona (Spain) and Shenzhen (People's Republic of China). FAI President Frits Brink announced the decision at the 111th FAI General Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Edited by zlulic 2/11/2017 21:54
Location: Zagreb, Hr | The 1st FAI World Drone Championships (WDRC) will be held in Shenzhen (People’s Republic of China) from the 1st (Opening Ceremony) to the 4th (Closing Ceremony) of November 2018.
Please find attached the Bulletin#2 and the release of the WDRC Sporting Rules document. Those documents may also be downloadable from the WDRC website (http://www.faidroneworld2018.aero) in the 'DOCUMENTS' section.
For the 32 NAC's which have sent their Preliminary Entry Form, an email will be sent in the next few days to the contact contact defined by in the. This email will include a personal access code in order to register the national team on the WDRC website.
For NAC's which have not sent a Preliminary Entry Form, it is still possible to participate. In that situation, thank you to send an email to registration@faidroneworld2018.aero mentioning the NAC contact person (First and family names with his/her email address and phone number) for the WDRC.
The interest in this class is constantly growing and it concerns a lot of youths. So, give the chance to your members to compete in the WDRC. We are waiing for a very large participation.
Don't hesitate to contact me in case of any question.
Best regards.
Bruno Delor
1st CIAM Vice-President & CIAM FPV Racing Subcommittee Chairman
Priloge (2 x PDF) kome trebaju neka se javi pa ih proslijedim e-mailom. |